20 Oct 2012

Dale McGregor
Miss Smith
Tweed Heads South Primary School
Dear Miss Smith,
I strongly believe birds are better pets than fish.
Firstly, birds can be trained to speak . if someone comes through the door you don't see your bird will call out to you, but fish do absolutely nothing.
Secondly, birds are easy to feed. Just put a stick of seed where they sleep and they will eat it.
Lastly, birds can be used for messaging. Tie a message to there legs and tell them where to go. They will go there.
That is why I think birds are better pets than fish.
Yours sincerely
Dale McGregor
Kimberely Geeves
Miss Smith
Tweed Heads South Primary School
Dear Miss Smith,
I know a fish makes a much better pet than a bird. You might think a better pet would be a bird because all fish do is swim around all day. Let me tell you something that will definitely change your mind.
Firstly, fish are cheaper, wait, they are much cheaper, a fish would cost around $5.00-$10.00 depending on what type you bought. A bird would be around $15.00-$20.00 depending on what type you chose.
Secondly, fish are easier to look after. Fish can live without food for two or three days. You can get an automatic food dispenser and you only give them a little sprinkle of food.
Lastly, fish are undoubtedly more quiet than birds. Fish actually don't make a sound at all. The fish tank makes a sound but that sound makes you go to sleep. A bird would squawk all night.
In conclusion I hope I have changed your mind with the wonderful reasons I have listed.
Yours sincerely,
Kimberely Geeves
Hayley Johnston
Miss Smith
Tweed Heads South Primary School
Dear Miss Smith,
I strongly believe that a fish makes a better pet than a bird because they are quiet, calm and do not make a sound.
Firstly, in my opinion, fish are less noisy than a bird. At least you can sleep with a fish in the house, birds would probably chirp all night long.
Secondly fish are eaqsier to look after and feed. You only have to feed a fish once or twice a day and clean their tank out every two weeks.
Lastly, they are relaxing to look at and make you calm down. They make a perfec t pet for people of all ages.
In conclusion an intelligent person such as yourself would realise fish make better pets than birds.
Your sincerely,
Hayley Johnston
Ella Smart
Miss Smith
Tweed Heads South Primary School
Dear Miss Smith,
Is a bird a better pet than a fish? Well, I think so.
Firstly, a bird is good company, for example, you can play pirates. However, fish can't talk, sit on your shoulder and do fun things.
Secondly, birds are colourful, for example, feathers are more attractive than slimy scales.
If you choose a fish, I will know you didn't take my advice.
Yours sincerely,
Ella Smart