18 Nov 2012

Last Saturday night students from 2/3H and other classes joined together to participate in the Tweed River Lantern Parade at Jack Evans Boat Harbour. After building and decorating their lanterns at a special workshop on Thursday morning students were able to proudly show off their hard work to a large crowd of children, parents, teachers and community members. Tweed Heads South students shone brightly on the night, representing our school's creativity, fun and community spirit.
It was great to see so many parents and teachers attend the event. Many parents accompanied our students and some walked before us, carrying a large feature lantern of their own. A big thank you to Fiona Brooks for her help at the workshop and also to all the parents who supported our school at the Parade. We are blessed to have such committed and enthusiastic parents at our school.
Finally, congratulations to all our wonderful students who carried themselves with pride and were magnificent ambassadors for our school.
Keep Shining Brightly Tweed Heads South!
Miss Humes