21 Mar 2012

Welcome to the first installment of "What's going on?" This will give you a view inside Mr. Greenwood's Stage 3 classroom. We will endevour to keep you up to date with the classroom's news and hard work.
Today, we start with desert themed poetry that stage 3 have been working on as part of their English/HSIE unit called "Desert Centred." Here are some examples of the creative poems written by your students.
Breaded Dragon – Tim, Year 5
The black rough skinned reptilian creature,
Makes you say I wouldn't want to meet you.
It hides in a hole day by day,
Then comes out to hunt its prey.
The dragon is the colour of sand,
So don't go too close or it will bite your hand.
When threatened it will make a scary position,
Or make you jump in the car and start the ignition.
So watch out when your desert bound,
Because that's where the dragon can be found.
The Sandy Inland Mouse – Zac, Year 6
The Sandy Inland mouse,
Runs through his small dirty house.
While trying to get away from his predators chase,
But luckily they can't keep up with his pace.
The mouse is going to win the race,
Then he is going back to his place.
And when he does,
He's going to sleep with his Cous.
Shield Shrimp – Treyden, Year 6
The desert is so hot and dry,
But there is one animal that doesn't die.
It's the Shield Shrimp, it hatches and grows,
Repeatedly after rain not snow.
It feels no pain,
Across the desert's plain
The Wallaroo – Brenton, Year 6
The Wallaroo lives in and around rocks,
And doesn't wear any socks.
It rests under trees,
Where there are no bees.
It hops to a cave,
Where there is no shade.
The colour on its back,
Is like light black.
It has rough soles on its feet,
The Spinifex Hopping Mouse – Sasha, Year 6
The Spinifex hopping mouse
Lives in a very small dirt house.
He waits for the dead of night
To scurry and run before day's first light
It has big strong back legs
Much bigger than chicken eggs.
It listens with its long grey ears
But rarely takes notice of its peers.
It is nocturnal sleeping through the day,
Then goes out to find its floral prey.
The Insect Eating Bat – Chloe, year 6
The Insect Eating Bats are in the desert found,
Bats rely on hunting food by using their special sense of sound.
Bats utter high pitched squeaks,
A Bats face looks like beaks.
Their wings stretch out far and wide,
Watch them fly as they glide.
During the day when the bats go to bed,
Guess which way they hang their head.
Moles – Molly, Year 6
I think the mole is as big as a bowl,
Did you know it lives in a hole.
It is blind as a bat,
But it has no wings to go and flap.
The Marsupial Mole – Simone, Year 5
The long fat marsupial mole,
Lives in dry sandy hole.
Where the orange and brown mole is found,
He hides in the day under the ground.
He hides in the day,
And at night he comes out to play.
He eats yummy insects,
Found in the Spinifex.