19 May 2012

This term we are all about goals at 2/3K! Achieving goals, kicking goals and setting new goals.
Many students have ACHIEVED individual and class GOALS. Year 3 completed the NAPLAN tests this week and have really shown what they can do. Meanwhile Year 2 have been working through a number of 'mini' tests. I am really proud of both years who have worked so hard to do their best and improve their literacy and numeracy skills.
Outside the classroom students have been KICKING GOALS on our playground. We enjoyed a great game of soccer with 3/40 on Tuesday and we have also been playing 'Steal the Ball' as a class during our sports time. In our sports program the focus is on great sportsmanship and students have been discussing who demonstrated this quality after every game. This has promoted a culture of friendship and positive feedback in our class.
Finally we are SETTING NEW GOALS in 2/3K. Students have been conferencing with me individually and setting goals for reading, writing, speaking and listening in the classroom. Everyone is really thinking hard about improving their learning which is great to see. Together we hope to achieve these goals by the end of term.
Keep going for goals 2/3K!
Miss Humes :)