19 Aug 2012

What is Reader's Theatre?
Reader's Theatre "introduces the element of drama into literacy learning and magically transforms the classroom into a stage. …….the reader is at centre stage, totally absorbed in reading. The reader is a star."
"Reader's Theatre is a highly motivational strategy that connects oral reading, literature, and drama in the classroom. It does not require costumes, make-up, props, stage sets, or memorization. Only a script is needed, from which students read-aloud. Using only their voices, facial expressions, and bodies, they interpret the emotions, beliefs, attitudes and motives of the characters. A narrator conveys the story's setting and action and provides the commentary necessary for transition between scenes."
"The element of drama enables students to realize that reading is an activity that permits experimentation – they can try reading words in different ways to produce different meanings. Using volume, pitch, stress and intonation, readers delve into the Reader's Theatre text, making printed words come alive and giving their characters life. As they practice their roles, readers are also given the opportunity to reflect on the text. (Carrick, 2000)
1-2 M did a magnificent job and had lots of fun with Reader's Theatre this week. In their literacy groups students rehearsed scripts from popular fairytales: The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and The Three Billy Goat Gruffs. After negotiating character roles with team members they then read through the scripts, organised stage positions, movements and appropriate voices. Luckily no-one suffered from stage fright or ‘broke a leg' for the final performance. Valuable feedback was provided by audience members after each presentation. Watch out world, 1-2M is out to impress!