Tweed Heads South Public School

Vibrant Caring Successful

Telephone07 5524 3408

Literature and Art in K-1W

Students of K-1W have been exposed to a wide variety of quality literature and are enjoying expressing their love of books through Visual Arts. At the beginning of term, students explored the story The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. They loved the story so much that they wanted to make their own mixed-up chameleons. We all found the creations to be very hilarious!! On Wednesdays, K-1W are priviledged enough to participate in Visual Arts lessons with the very talented Mrs Lawrence. She has been re-reading stories read in the classroom to integrate Literacy Sessions with the children's Visual Arts lessons. Another favourite story of ours is Smarty Pants. Mrs Lawrence and the children all worked together to make some new pants for Mr Smarty Pants. Some other beautiful creations from K-1W include our Sunflowers; which were inspired by the famous artist Van Gogh, and art about familes; which are integrated into our PDHPE Unit of Interpersonal Relationships. Fantastic work K-1W!!


Mr Smarty Pants all finished


Our very own mixed-up chameleons


Franklyn the next Van Gogh


Jaxon with his interpretation of Van Gogh's Sunflowers


Jadalee and her family