11 Aug 2014

On Thursday 5/6T & 5/6B joined 12 other schools state-wide for a LIVE Video Conference to Casey Station, Antarctica. We spoke to Station Leader Ally and staff Dan and ‘Stew'. They were standing outside freezing as it was -26 degrees Celsius!
In winter they have 18 staff with important jobs including plumbers, electricians, computer technicians, weather experts, diesel mechanics and of course a doctor and chef to look after the staff. In summer the team expands to 100 members with scientists and other specialists.
Some interesting facts about Antarctica:
- Antarctica is 2 hours behind our time (Eastern Standards Time)
- In summer they have daylight for 24 hours, in winter sometimes 1 to 2 hours daily
- Temperatures are ALWAYS negative. The warmest temp in summer is -8.2 degrees C
- Winds can blow up to 200 km an hour- at times staff have to stay indoors for days
- Staff observe seals, birds, penguins, whales and monitor the science projects
- Planes and boats can only bring in ‘supplies' from October to February
- When not working staff enjoy skiing, mini olympics, snowboarding, golfing, quad biking
- No country owns Antarctica – 50 countries have signed a treaty to agree it is a national reserve that is to be protected for peaceful services and science investigation only. Waste is not to be left behind and no mining is to take place in Antarctica.
We were the first people they had spoken to in ages!