The appearance of the new school uniform including the printed shirts and tunic is really turning some heads!
Families are reminded the 15% voucher sent home may be utilised with sales that Lowes hold from time to time.
This week we expect to take delivery of school hats which are being purchased for families with the generous support of the P&C Association and Lowes. Hats will be fitted for each child and their name written on the hats.
Families may choose to either use the new grey hat immediately or continue to use the maroon hat until it is worn out or the start of the new school year. The choice is yours. Please note the school expects all students to wear the full school uniform every day they attend school and this includes the correct school hat. Baseball cap style hats are not acceptable as they do not provide adequate sun safety. Students not wearing the correct school hat are not permitted to play in the sun or use the fixed equipment.
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