29 May 2015

This term KC students have used a minibeasts theme to write stories and information facts. Already we have written stories and facts about spiders and bees and this week we will be writing about lady beetles.
We have also worked on crafts using the minibeasts theme and have employed a variety of paper craft skills such as folding, twisting, weaving and cutting out to create spiders in webs and flying buzzy bees.
We have been very fortunate to have Kiarah's mum Georgie come into our classroom on Wednesday afternoons to help us with our arts and crafts. Without her help our minibeast creations would take up so much learning time and so Georgie is a very valued helper to KC.
This term we have also begun our Science – Primary Connections unit ‘What's it made of?' We will be looking at how things around us are made of different materials. Materials that we now take for granted such as CDs, self-adhesive notes and floppy silicone ovenware are the products of imagination and exploratory science. We will be imagining what new materials will be part of our future world and who knows, maybe one of our clever KC students will be a pioneer of some amazing new material of the future that we'll wonder how we ever did without.