22 May 2015

5/6T joins Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
In 837 schools Australia-wide, around 100,000 children are enthusiastically getting their hands dirty and learning how to grow, harvest, prepare and share fresh, seasonal food as part of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. Stephanie Alexander AO is regarded as one of Australia's great food educators.
Tweed Heads South PS has recently joined this exciting program!
5/6T, alongside 3/4C are the lucky classes that have been selected to pilot this initiative. Students have been extremely busy planting a variety of herbs and veggies in anticipation of cooking tasty food in the ‘brekkie' room. Menus are planned around the fresh, seasonal produce growing in the garden. Our veggie beds currently have zucchinis, snow peas, eggplant, capsicum, carrots, tomatoes, squash, lettuces, cucumbers and kale alongside a variety of tasty herbs including parsley, coriander, chives and Vietnamese mint.
The fundamental philosophy that underpins pleasurable food education is that by setting good examples and engaging children's curiosity, as well as their energy and their taste buds, we can provide positive and memorable food experiences that will form the basis of positive lifelong eating habits.
Miss Toop and Mr Chalmers have been provided with comprehensive training and resources to deliver the Kitchen Garden Program at our school. They are currently seeking volunteers to assist in running both the garden and kitchen classes.
Please help us ensure this potential ‘life changing' program is successful by volunteering time to tend to the garden and/or provide assistance in the ‘brekkie' room for small group cooking sessions to commence in Weeks 5 and 6 of this term.