07 Sep 2015

Extremely Exciting Explorer Tour!

On Tuesday of Week 6, 43 excited Stage 3 students departed Tweed Heads South PS on a bus for the Brisbane Explorer Tour. Four days and three nights in the city with an action packed itinerary.
Highlights were many including:
Meeting the Governor Of Queensland at ‘Fernbank'
A night movie and popcorn session in Southbank
Cruising up Brisbane River on the Rivercat
viewing the city in lights
A ‘mock' parliament role play in the Green Room of Parliament House
Fun, interactive science activities at the Sciencentre and the Queensland Museum
Solving murder mysteries in the Police Museum

Comments from 5-6T students:
Jaxon – ‘ I liked it when we went to see Fantastic Four. I had a large drink all to myself. We went to the Sciencentre and there were so many interactive things there. I give it an 8 out of 10.'
Mia – ‘My favourite thing was the Rivercat Cruise because we were just relaxing and looking at the view. Best camp ever! 13 out of 10.'
Shayden – ‘I think this was the best camp I have ever been to. I give it a 15 out of 10! My favourite part was the croissants and hotdogs for breakfast and I loved the Sciencentre.'
Wila – ‘The Planetarium was cool. I liked going to Southbank because we got to do what we wanted.'
Friday afternoon we returned back to school, weary but happy full of fond memories with classmates and teachers.
Thanks must be given to Mr Taylor, Mr Bush & Ms Toop