Tweed Heads South Public School

Vibrant Caring Successful

Telephone07 5524 3408

School Buildings gets a much need facelift

School Building Work commenced on Thursday, 7 April. Our school library will have a replacement roof installed. During the autumn vacation Block C will be repainted. Both projects, although separate jobs, are scheduled for completion by the end of the vacation. There is a chance the painting may still be underway on at least one face the building during the first week back in Term 2. 

During this work a safety fence will be erected to provide a safe perimeter around the work area. Part of this fence will pass between the library and Block C (Year 3-4 class block) and also through the preschool playground. 

Access to the preschool, will still be available through the usual entry point from the car park but the gate into the school playground adjacent to the library will not be available. The rear gates to the school playground (near the whale and turtle sculptures will also be available for your use). 

Staff will make adjustments to the outdoor program to accommodate these works. There is NO access to the area enclosed by the fence. We are looking forward to the refurbished library roof and the painting of Block C to give a whole new fresh modern appearance. Please contact Mr Reeson if you have any concerns in relation to this matter