15 Sep 2016

Preschool have been enjoying reading fairy tales and Jack and the beanstalk was a huge favourite!
We decided to grow our own beans and see how tall they would grow. We created a castle in the clouds and discussed the cycle of beans growing. We talked about germination, roots, seedlings and what the beans need to grow. We are now growing our own beans and observing the roots and measuring how high our beans are growing.
Kade began growing beans in his hothouse at home as well and today has brought in one he grew at home to plant in our vegetable gardens here at preschool along with some of the bean plants we have grown here!
Our gardens are growing beautifully and we have some beautiful flowers growing now and this week we will be harvesting the kale and making some delicious kale chips. We are looking forward to it!
Preschool children enjoy the experience of planting the seeds and nurturing the gardens and then being able to eat the produce such as the beans and peas, mint and we are really hoping to be able to eat some blueberries! Children are learning to take care of their environment and also responsibility through watering the gardens and weeding them as well learning about the lifecycles of seeds and the benefits for birds, bees and butterflies when we grow the flowers.