Tweed Heads South Public School has a 'No Hat, No Play' strategy in place to support our Sun Safe Policy.
With the warm weather, we need to focus on students wearing hats in the playground. Teachers are vigilant when students are in the sun due to the damage to the skin from sun exposure. Please remind your child to bring their school hat to school and wear it before school, at recess, lunchtime and during Sport and PDHPE.
Hats are regularly misplaced in our school and the best way to ensure your child
has their hat for all play opportunities is to check that their name is clearly and darkly written on their hat (the names fade quickly) and that your child has a regular spot where they store their hat (in their bag, tote tray, etc…). School hats are available from our school office on Mondays and Tuesdays and the canteen on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at a cost of $14 each. Hats can also be purchased at Lowes Tweed City.
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