Tweed Heads South Public School is situated in the northern part of the Bundjalung nation, home to the Minjungbal people. It is surrounded by the Tweed River and sacred mountain ranges. The school was established in 1958 and has a combination of a historical cultural significance amongst a brand-new facility.
We encompass flexible and contemporary indoor and outdoor learning spaces that foster curiosity, critical thinking, problem solving and creativity within a student-centered setting. Our school is positioned between the state of the art sporting complex and Tweed River High School learning hub providing successful transition from preschool to Year 12 and easy access to many high quality educational opportunities.
At Tweed Heads South Public School we aim to achieve excellence through high expectations and evidence-based teaching in engaging, safe and supportive surroundings. Our school has an enrolment of 167 students, 41% identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and 6.6% identify as English as an additional language or dialect. A unique feature of our school is that we house the only onsite Department of Education preschool in the region and have recently established support classes which demonstrates our commitment to inclusion.
We work collaboratively to provide opportunities beyond the classroom to encourage our students to achieve success through a wide variety of artistic, cultural, musical, sporting, and academic development programs specifically tailored in response to individual interests and strengths. We empower our students to foster a love of learning and provide them with the skills and knowledge to participate in their community at a local and global level to support them as lifelong learners.
Community partnerships and authentic relationships between home, school and staff are highly valued and nurtured. The school's wellbeing approach focuses on providing an effective environment for learning and recognises that wellbeing and engagement are important conditions for success. Staff ensure that every child is known, valued, and cared for.
A highly active and involved parent body work in partnership with the staff and members of the wider community to maintain the strong and supportive spirit that is embodied in the school's values of being resilient, respectful, responsible, vibrant, caring and successful students ensuring the best possible outcomes for all.