Tweed Heads South Public School

Vibrant Caring Successful

Telephone07 5524 3408

21st Century and Collaborative Education furniture

After a very successful implementation of the 21st Century and Collaborative Education furniture at the beginning of Term 4 in the Year 5 and 6 classrooms the school has extended this into Years 3 and 4. This has involved the careful process of identifying school targets of providing our students with the most relevant and engaging curriculum through the use of the latest teaching technologies and furniture. This is not only important in engaging our students but preparing them for life and careers well into the 21st Century. Both Year 3 and 4 classrooms have been equipped with this furniture as well as providing access to a lap top for every student in Year 3 and 4. This furniture is not just about making our classrooms look and feel more modern but more importantly provide students with learning spaces that promote communication, collaboration and creativity. The classrooms will host open classroom sessions in the coming weeks for you to come in and see the implementation of the 21st Century Classrooms.