19 Aug 2012

Tweed Heads South Public School recently hosted their second ‘Dream Big' Careers Market Day at Tweed Heads South Public School. The event was a huge success and after many weeks of planning the event parents, teachers and students from Tweed Heads South Public and Tweed Heads Public Schools were inspired and entertained as they congregated in the school hall.
The day began with parents and students being able to listen to presentations from guest speakers giving students some inspirational messages and important information whilst reinforcing the message of the day to ‘dream big'.
Students were then able to participate in some hands on activities with over 20 ‘Try a Trade' stall holders providing engaging hands on activities including hairdressing, cake decorating and building. Students also talked with a variety of representatives from different services including the Fire Brigade, Police and even the Federal Police. Students were also able to find out what subjects they can do at High School with displays from Tweed River High Schools Robotics and Marine studies teachers'.
Students were engaged throughout the day, full of excitement, curiosity and eager to learn. What can I try next? What do I need to do to be you? Students engaged in conversation with representatives from many different careers giving students information and a taste of a variety of career paths for their future.
Students from preschool through to year six are now ready to ‘DREAM BIG'.