02 Jul 2012

2T has a special guest in their classroom who visits the home a different student every week. Take Home Ted is awarded to the Star of the week who is then allowed to take Ted and his journal home for an entire week. Students document their week with Ted in the journal, taking pictures and writing stories about the special times that they shared with Ted. Ted has been on some great adventures and had amazing times with Jorja on a farm, learning with Leevan, Mixed Martial Arting with Brody, swimming with Mia, shopping with Luka, soccer with Kovi, trampolining with Brock, footballing with Bayden, decorating cakes with Satira, Cooly Rocks On with Kayde and cooking Chinese with Susanna.
2T's Start of the Week last week was Susanna. She has been working consistently well all year and is a great friend to all. Susanna was awarded Star of the Week for her brilliant listening skills in Mathematics and also her positive attitude in the classroom and playground. Congratulations Susanna and all our past Stars of the Week this semester. Who will it be next and what will they do?