10 Feb 2017

Welcome to 2017 and the start of a new school year!
Already it is shaping up as a wonderful year! Nearly 20 additional children have joined our Vibrant, Caring and Successful school community this year. Additionally, we are eagerly preparing for our Kindergarten boys and girls who will start class this Thursday after completing their Best Start Assessment. We are excited to welcome those families with children attending our excellent preschool in both the Blue Whale and Red Turtle sessions.
Digital Newsletter
Our school's newsletter will be going digital. This will be a great improvement with a new layout which allows room for more photos and videos of your children. To ensure you don't miss this opportunity we need you to provide us with your email address. Email you details (as listed below) to the front office as soon as possible.
Child's Name: ________________________
Child's Class: ________________________
Parents Name: ________________________
Email Address: ________________________