Our Classes
Children are eligible to enrol in Tweed Heads South Preschool the year prior to beginning school. Enrolments are open to all families in our local community.
We offer a five-day fortnight program with the following classes:
· Baawii (Blue Whales) – Monday, Tuesday and every alternate Wednesday
· Bing Ging (Green Turtles) – Thursday, Friday and every alternate Wednesday
Hours of Operation: 9am-3pm. Children must be supervised by a parent or guardian outside of these hours.
Tweed Heads South Preschool operates in conjunction with NSW public school terms. We are closed on public holidays and during NSW school holiday periods.

An enrolment form is available here or from the office of Tweed Heads South Public School.
The following documentation will be needed:
· Proof of age (birth certificate or passport)
· Record of immunisation (this is the print out from myGov website)
· Proof of address
· Health Care Card or pension card (if applicable)
· Additional Needs Forms and Health Care plans (if applicable)
· Any relevant court orders
Our Fees
Compulsory fees for NSW Department of Education Preschools were introduced in 2012 under the government’s Preschool Class Fees in Government Schools Policy.
The fees for all 100 Government preschools across NSW are set each year by the Department of Education and will vary according to the needs of the communities in which the preschool classes are operating.
Daily Fees for Tweed Heads South Preschool:
· $10.00 per day (full fee)
· Please see the front office to enquire if you are entitled to a fee subsidy
· You are not eligible to claim Child Care Rebate/Child Care Benefit for Tweed Heads South Preschool fees
· There are four terms in the school year, fees need to be finalised by Week 6 of each term
· Families can choose to pay preschool fees daily, weekly or fortnightly.
· Fees can be paid at the front office by cash, EFTPOS or cheque. Online payments can be made via our Homepage.
· A receipt will be issued for all preschool fees.
Subsidies and Assistance
- If you are entitled to a fee subsidy, you will need to present the school office with the original copy of your government health care card or pension card so they can make a copy for school records before a subsidy can be approved.
- If your family circumstances change during the year, and you are experiencing severe financial difficulty, please arrange with the front office to see Mr Ian Reeson (School Principal) to discuss your circumstances.
Failure to pay fees may result in your child’s enrolment in preschool being reviewed and possibly terminated.