05 Nov 2013

It was 'Halloween Mufti Day' at Tweed Heads South Public School on Thursday 31 October. 1-2M dressed up in a variety of scary characters including vampires, witches and monsters.
1-2M enjoyed a variety of Halloween activities in the lead up to 'Trick or Treating' on Thursday afternoon. The students were extremely engaged wth the fun Literacy, Numeracy and ICT sessions at school. These included in Reading groups, listening to and reading 'scary' stories on an ipad, 'The Legend of Spookly, The Square Pumpkin' and 'The Little Witch".
In Writing groups the students wrote about 'What's in this witches brew?' including revolting ingredients such as cats tails and frogs legs. Then they had to write sentences about what would happen to you, if you drank this potion...
In the computer room students logged onto Studyladder to complete some interactive Literacy and Numeracy tasks.
1-2M had fabulous fun at the school disco run by the SRC. Maria and Elijah both won first prize for the scariest, homemade costume. They danced to 'The Monster Mash', 'Ghostbusters' and other scary songs.
In the afternoon the class discussed the rules of 'Trick or Treating', how to do it safely, (always with an older sibling or parent) and to brush their teeth thoroughly if eating lollies before bed!
Happy Halloween from 1-2M