Preschool Routine
9:00am - 9:15am Arrival and Parent Play Program
Parents are welcome to stay and engage in activities with their child.
9:15am - 9:25am Belonging Circle
Whole group time that focuses on saying hello to our friends, sharing our personal stories and the shared planning/co-construction of our learning at preschool for the day.
9:25am - 11:15am Outdoor Child Centred Play
Children have the choice of our outdoor core curriculum activities that promote the development of gross motor skills. Projects may occur at this time also. Sunscreen applied and hats on heads before going outside.
11:15am – 11:30am Project Yarn
Children will undertake a project/investigation. During the project yarn, children will engage in shared thinking and learning related to their chosen project with their peers and educators. We will engage in play provisions that will help us find answers to our questions as well as discuss and record the learning that has taken place.
11:30 – 11:50am Lunch time
11:50am – 1:15pm Indoor Child Centred Play
Children have choice’ of our range of indoor core curriculum activities that have been designed to meet their individual strengths, needs and learning styles and to foster their growth in a range of developmental areas. Projects may also occur during this time.
1:15pm – 1:30pm Mat Time: Language Session – Walking Talking Texts
Whole group intentional teaching activity that uses a focus book to introduce and facilitate the development of early language, literacy, literature, math, wellbeing/social, creative arts and science concepts. Topics are based on children’s emerging interests, skills and strengths in literacy and math or our visual arts and wellbeing program.
1:30pm – 2:00pm Meet and Eat with my Big School Teacher
Recess: Toilet, wash hands, eating time. Transition to quiet reading when finished.
Transition to Big School Time: A teacher from the ‘big school’ builds relationships with the children while engaging them in conversation and learning experiences.
2:00pm – 2:45pm Sleep / Rest / Quiet Time
The teacher engages children in a restful/wind down experience. The children then choose one of the following options:
Option 1: Sleep Time – Children may choose to sleep if feeling tired or as requested by parents in the ‘quiet room’. They will help to make their beds and lie down on their beds for the duration of the 45 minute rest period (or longer if they choose / fall asleep). Children may choose to sleep or just have some quiet time to rest and reflect on the day.
Option 2: Indoor / Outdoor Quiet Activities – Children can choose to engage in the many quiet play experiences offered both indoors (quiet table-top space) and in our outdoor garden area.
2:45pm – 3:00pm Family Music and Movement Time
If you can, join us for experiences involving singing, dancing, music games and concepts, musical instruments and moving to music using props such as bean bags, scarves, streamers, puppets, hoops etc. Experiences are related to texts we are exploring, projects we are undertaking, fitness/exercise or musical concepts we are investigating.
Variations to the Routine
Library – I walk to the ‘Big School’ library with my teachers and borrow a special book from the Library to take home to my family.
Reading at Preschool with our Big School Buddies –
My ‘Year 5/6 Buddy’ class walks to preschool. Next year I will have the same buddy when I start kindergarten at ‘big school’. My buddy’s job is to read my chosen books aloud to me (RAP program – Reading Aloud to Preschoolers) and will talk to me about an important library / reading skill.
Munch and Move Time –
Our school sport teacher will work with the children. Play experiences offered will promote the development of essential gross motor skills such as hand eye coordination, eye foot coordination, balance, running, leaping, jumping, galloping, crossing the mid-line etc.