Great start to the year in 4/5S. Last week in the classroom we got to know each other, students did this by completing a student scavenger hunt. 4/5S went and checked out the new play equipment and talked about safe play. Students thoroughly enjoyed the equipment and showed that they can play on it safely. 4/5S have set the classroom expectations so we can all have a safe and fun learning environment. We have three new students to the school in our classroom and they are finding their feet nicely.
Throughout this term we will be focusing on State and National parks in HSIE and life cycles in science. Students will be exploring State and National parks through researching why we have parks, why we need to protect them and what lives within them. During the term 4/5S will be getting tadpole eggs for the classroom so the students can document the life cycle of a frog.
Regards, Ms Sulivan
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