We received an exciting email on Friday from the team at ‘Sugar Squad'. They were pleased to inform our school that our video entry into ‘That Sugar Film Competition' called ‘The Sugar King Song' has been selected as one of the six finalist videos. Judges said that they had tough decisions to make as they reduced the entries down to just six. The officials also said that we should be very proud of our efforts. We are!
Furthermore, the finalists were announced publicly at 5pm on Friday, 21 October. Our entry is now available for the world to see! Entries have also been posted on ‘That Sugar Song Film' Facebook site with over 240,000 followers! The team congratulated us on such a great job and stated that the winners will be announced at the end of the month. Stage 2 students are very excited and all students and teachers at our wonderful school are hoping that we can be placed. To watch our finalist video visit www.thatsugarfilm.com/school-competition
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