13 Oct 2017

Student and staff Escape To Everywhere at
2017 Book Week Parade
The annual Book Week Parade was a magnificent day for the Tweed Heads South PS and especially in the life of the student as we celebrated Book Week. Book Week was established by the Children's Book Council of Australia in 1945 with the aim of engaging the community with literature for young children. Each year, schools and public libraries across Australia spend a week celebrating books, and Australian authors and illustrators.
This year, the theme for Book Week was Escape To Everywhere. Student and staff came dressed as their favourite book character or well known (and loved) character from the latest book to old time classics.
In the lead up to Book Week, each class had the opportunity to read various book as part of our literacy teaching and DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. It was very evident the students were completely engaged with their stories and Book Week theme for this year.
The parade held on Friday 25 August, was a wonderful experience for all. It was made even more special with our Preschool students joining in on the parade celebrating their love of reading and good book (and the fun of dressing up).
The range of costumes and colour made the parade look even more spectacular. There were heroic heroes and vile villains, pretty princesses and honourable heroines, shy school kids and terrible teachers, amazing animals and mythical beasts, characters of future and past, funny and serious, cute and cool, and a whole lot of fun! The students had a terrific time marching around the school hall and really appreciated the older students taking an active interest in the event.
The parade was expertly led by Captain Haddock (aka Mr Taylor) from the classic TinTin series, accompanied by a band of creative and fun-loving staff. In support of Captain Haddock was Alice from Wonderland and Juliet from Shakespeare (Mrs Madden and Mrs Haim), Miss Trunchbowl and Matilda from Matilda (Mrs Hunt & Ms Brett), Greg Heffley from Diary of a Whimpy Kid (Mr Russo), Thelma the Unicorn, the Evil Queen and the Gruffalo (Mrs French, Mrs Davis, Mrs Stanford), double trouble with Thing 1 and Thing 2 from Cat In the Hat (Ms Anderson and Ms Castles), Goldilocks and Little Red Riding Hood from the fairy tales (Mrs Campbell and Mrs Ryan), Harry Potter from Hogwarts and Tikki Tikki Tembo from A well in China (Mrs Moores and Ms Lymbery) and the Footy Legend from Brewarrina (Mr Nicholls).
Following the parade students and families had the opportunity to read a story together, highlighting the importance and value of having young children read from such an early age and continuing to read through the preteen years and into adulthood. One can always ESCAPE TO EVERYWHERE with the gift of reading a good book.
The year's Book Week Parade was another outstanding day in the life of the Tweed Heads South Public School.
Keep on reading,
Mr Taylor