04 Sep 2014

This term students have been fortunate with an extra teacher in the classroom. We have Miss Peta Jeffree a pre service teacher from the University of New England. Miss Jeffree has been teaching the children all aspects of the curriculum. In Literacy the students have been learning to write recounts, so far they have written recounts on Careers Market Day, the Tissue Princess visit, Oz-Tag and below are some examples of our Book Week Parade.
On Thursday the whole school went to the Book Parade in the hall.
First we lined up and walked to the hall. Then we sat down and we watched the other classes parade. We paraded too. Then we went to our classroom to read some books. After that we went down to the basketball area and we had a picnic.
I felt very overjoyed. By Noah
On Thursday it was Book Parade in our school hall.
First we watched the other classes' parade and then our class got to stand up to go around in front of the school. Next we sat down to watch the other classes. Then we all went up to the classroom and I got to read to my dad. Finally we had a picnic lunch.
I felt happy. By Daman
On Thursday the whole school went to the hall for a Book Parade.
First the other classes went around the hall and paraded and then our class had a go. Next we told Mr Taylor what book character we were. Then we left the hall and went back up stairs and read books to our Mums and Dads. Finally we went down to the basketball court and had a picnic.
It was such a fantastic day! By Gianna
You will notice when entering the school foyer our artistic display which is also influenced by our Literacy. Students have been learning to make their art works in similar ways to book illustrator's using water colours, collage and the techniques of distortion, exaggeration, change in colour and scale. We hope you like our display as much as we did making it with Mrs Lawrence.