Our Learning Journey / Our Programs
Our curriculum is based on the beliefs of the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. We are also guided by the National Quality Framework and the NSW Department of Education Prior to School Class Procedures.
Across the week children are engaged in a variety of programs that are from part of our education curriculum.
Children develop skills such as drawing, painting and sculpting and are introduced to new media, artistic techniques and famous artists.
Our library and home reading programs are a great way to encourage reading at home. The first step to learning to read is to have lots of books read to you every day. Our school speech pathologist provides families with a guide to discussions they can have about a book to encourage language development.
The school’s library has an extensive collection of fiction and non-fiction books. Each week the children visit the library where they are read to by a ‘big school buddy’. They can borrow one book each week.
Environmental Sustainability
Our worm farm, compost bin and recycling bin encourage conversations around reducing, re-using and recycling. Children enjoy caring for the worms in our worm farm which produce fertiliser for the vegetable gardens and fruit trees in our outdoor space. The edible gardens help them to learn about planting and different ways to cook and eat fruit and vegetables.
Munch and Move
This healthy lifestyle preschool specialist coaches come in to work with the children on gross motor development through activities such as gymnastics and tennis.
Each day the children participate in music time where they get an opportunity to dance, sing, do drama or play instruments. We encourage musical members of our community to come along and share their skill with the children.
Throughout the year children learn social skills and strategies to enhance our physical, mental and emotional health. These include healthy eating, the importance of exercise, sun safety, good hygiene as well as important community messages such as road safety, 000 emergency services and recycling. Special visitors and excursions, such as Healthy Harold, the dentist and NSW Fire Department, help teach us important safety messages.
Parent Play
From 9am – 9.20am each morning we have Parent Play time where they can engage with their child through fun development-based activities.
Transition to School
We are an integral part of our attached school – Tweed Heads South Public School. One of the big advantages of attending a Department of Education Preschool is our comprehensive year-long transition program.
During the year we participate in school special events and celebrations such as the Easter Hat and Book Week parades, ANZAC Day commemoration, athletics carnival, NAIDOC Week activities, visits to the school library and performing arts shows.
In addition, every day a teacher from the school joins us in the Preschool for half an hour.
Together all these opportunities for integration help familiarise children with the big school environment, staff and other students in readiness for starting school.
Kindergarten Orientation
In Term 3 a formal Kindergarten Orientation Program takes place with fortnightly visits to classrooms to take part in specific transition-to-school activities. A parent information session is also held at this time.