04 Sep 2014

I-M-M-E-A-S-U-R-A-B-L-E tension at Tweed Heads South Premier's Spelling Bee
With words such as F-L-A-G-R-A-N-T, L-E-G-I-S-L-A-T-I-O-N, I-M-M-E-A-S-U-R-A-B-L-E and M-A-L-E-V-O-L-E-N-T it was a nail biting spelling battle royale` on Friday 29 August at Tweed Heads South Public School for the in school finals of the Premier's Spelling Bee.
Ben, Brody, Jake, Shane, Satira, Lachlan, Madison and Aurelie were our junior finalists from years 3 & 4 and Shayden, Caleb, Bella, Kaylah, Taj, Noah and William from years 5 & 6 successfully out spelled their individual classes to then compete against each other to become Tweed Heads South PS Spelling Masters!
When asked about the secret to being a good speller, all of our master Spellers agreed that reading books and practicing in the car, at home, in the shower (and in the toilet) made the difference. Spellers also mentioned that writing out the words and looking in the dictionary also helped.The official word list supplier is Macquarie Dictionary.
Shayden, Caleb, Ben and Brody will be representing Tweed Heads South PS at the Regional Finals Premier's Spelling Bee to be held right here at school on Tuesday 16 September. Junior competition runs from 9.30am-11.30am and the senior competition runs from 12.30pm-2.30pm. All parents and guests are welcome to come and support our students.
The boys will be in competition with the best spellers from other schools in the North Coast Region. They all will be battling it out for a place in the State Finals to be held on Wednesday 5 November at the Eugene Goossens Hall, ABC Centre, Sydney.This will also be broadcast on ABC Local Radio. The competition is organised by The Arts Unit of the NSW Department of Education & Communities.
Well done to all the students.
Damien Taylor
Premier's Spelling Bee Coordinator
Assistant Principal