22 May 2015

In preschool we have been investigating the word ‘Metamorphosis'. We observed tadpoles turning into frogs and learnt that when a tadpole transforms into a frog, this is called metamorphosis. We kept a record of the different changes the tadpoles went through and were excited to release the frogs into our garden!
Last week Mrs Williams read the story "The Hungry Caterpillar" and was so proud of us when we called out during the story "The caterpillar is doing metamorphosis!" This showed that we were transferring our new knowledge of the word metamorphosis into a new situation.
We have discovered many creatures in our preschool garden including butterflies, caterpillars, frogs, ants, praying mantis, grass hoppers and witchety grubs! The interest in these creatures is very high so we are launching a new learning project on mini beasts. We have made a list of the creatures we would like to learn more about and will be starting with ants. Mrs French has bought in an ant farm which we are very excited to set up. Stay tuned to find out all the amazing things we learn about the animals we find in our preschool garden.