13 Mar 2014

Every Friday students from 5/6T participate in the Reading Aloud to Preschoolers (RAP) program. They meet the Red Turtle Group in the school library and take on the responsible role of Library Buddies, on a one-to-one basis. During term one the focus is ‘The Front Cover', covering aspects of: title of the book, author, illustrator and the blurb.
Strong attachments have already been forged between the buddy pairs as the Year 5/6 students orientate their buddy around the library, teach them the library expectations of behaviour, enthusiastically read selected stories to them and assist them in borrowing appropriate books.
Benefits of this worthwhile program include providing the Year 5/6 students with an opportunity to: become positive role models and peer teachers; build relationships with future kindergarten students; assist preschool children in their transition to big school and foster a love of reading and learning in a younger student.
The little Red Turtles eagerly squeal with delight each Friday when reunited with their Big Buddy and love their ‘special' shared story time. These preschoolers can't wait until they can read like the big kids and are increasingly gaining confidence about starting big school in the coming years.
Miss Toop
5/6T Classroom Teacher