05 Dec 2012

1-2M was extremely excited about performing in a class act at the School Talent Quest. After much brainstorming we decided on a circus theme with lots of colour, activity and of course mystical magic! The class members broke up into groups of hula-hoop dancers, jugglers, clowns and musicians.
We were kept busy rehearsing in the week leading up to the talent quest with a last minute reminder from Miss Toop to remind our mums and dads to come along for support.
On Wednesday morning we quickly changed into brightly coloured clothes ensuring props were in order, including hula hoops, juggling balls, funny hats and the magic tricks.
When the talent quest began we had to sit patiently as we were act 16!
However, the circus music finally started – our call, WE WERE ON!
Firstly, the hula hoop dancers cart wheeled onto the stage gracefully picked up their hoops and showed the audience their clever range of movements, then skipped backwards through the hoops to the side of the stage. Our jugglers came running in juggling all the way, round in circles, to each other and retreated to the back of the stage. Next the clowns bounced in falling over, dropping their silly hats, playing funny tricks on each other and smiling as they shuffled sideways. The final performers were our magicians. Their polished tricks included the floating wand, a rabbit being pulled out of a hat and a disappearing ball that reappeared mysteriously somewhere else!
The audience cheered and clapped loudly as we bowed and skipped off the stage but to our surprise and pride we won the ‘Best Class Item'. The judges' feedback report included comments: ‘wonderful colour, coordination, tricks and skills; use of props was expertly handled; I loved the continuation of movement in the background; a very professional performance.'
Back on stage we received our award and produced HUGE smiles for all the cameras!
Written by a VERY proud Miss Toop (1-2M Classroom Teacher)