26 Jan 2012

During Term 4 Preschool children participated in the school Multicultural Day Assembly. Our country was ‘Mexico' and we worked with a buddy class, Year 2T, to perform ‘La Raspa' (the Mexican hat dance). Our Year 2 buddies helped us remember the steps for the dance and to paint our costumes. Our costumes were ponchos that we painted the colours of the Mexican flag (red, green and white) and we had ‘Sombreros' as props in our performance. Thank you to Mr King and Mrs Hammond who lent us an authentic Mexican Sombrero and Poncho as props for the day. As part of our other Multicultural Day activities we learnt that in Mexico you say ‘Hola' to say ‘Hello' and we cooked Nachos for our lunch. We really enjoyed watching all the other classes give wonderful presentations about lots of different countries from around the world.