08 Mar 2012

Clean Up Australia Day
Tweed Heads South Public School is looking cleaner than ever after the entire school took part in the Clean Up Australia Campaign last Thursday. The effort of the staff and students was complimented by our hard working GA and P&C member Sally, who has the school playground looking immaculate!
There was an element of competition to the day with each class being allocated a specific area to clean. Each class was given an enormous bag to fill, with the heaviest bag winning 2 pairs of Limited Edition Clean Up Australia Day Gardening Gloves.
Miss Purkiss and Mrs O'Farrell employed cunning tactics and competed as though we were indeed playing for sheep stations! The pair had their classes primed, and were out cleaning their areas by 9:01am, before the other classes even had a chance. It was great to see that despite their competitiveness, they still showed excellent sportsmanship and cleaned only the area that was assigned to them.
In the end it was the quiet achievers 5/6C that stole the prize with a thorough cleaning of the OOSH and High School perimeter. Mrs Cloherty has a difficult job ahead of her choosing who to award the Limited Edition Gardening Gloves to.
The staff, students and school community were the real winners on the day, with a spotless school playground that we can all enjoy and be proud of. Let's work together to ensure that it stays that way for the remainder of the year. Thanks to all the staff and students involved, it was great to see you all working together in a great community initiative. Keep it up!
Tim Chalmers